Liberté d'Ukraine

Despite the relentless bombings aimed at destroying their work, the medical teams at this Ukrainian hospital continue, day after day, to treat the wounded. These heroes save lives under unimaginable conditions. Yet, the needs are immense.

The hospital has been directly hit by attacks, and medications are desperately scarce. Last year, thanks to the generosity of Dzyga’s Paw, the hospital was equipped with a backup power system and Starlink internet connection. These essential tools have allowed them to continue their activities even during power outages.

Today, it’s your turn to make a difference. By supporting our fundraising campaign, you will help purchase the vital medications needed for surgeries and daily care. These medications, often hard to find in Ukraine, will be delivered directly to the hospital. Every donation, no matter how small, counts and will help save lives.

Why it's important?

Results and completed milestones

How to help the hospital

After a successful fundraising campaign, we transitioned to more structured support by dividing it into several stages. Here’s how you can get involved in each of them:

Donation within the current phase
List of medical consumables
Buy medical supplies via Amazon Wishlist
Share information on social media

4th phase of fundraising

Financial statistics

General financial information

Total amount raised

Number of donations

Avg. donation

Max. donation



Regular supporters

Donations and spending accounting

Recent donations

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Recent activities

We apologize, currently the publications are only available in French. We are actively working on translating them into other languages.
Other fundraising campaigns
  1. Chaux sodée en bidon 5 litres (ex. “LoFloSorb”, Intersorb Plus, Drägersorb Free)
  2. Aiguille ponction lombaire 0,53x90mm G25 Spinocan (fabricant B. Braun)
  3. Perifix ONE 401 Filter Sets (fabricant B. Braun)
  4. Cathéter intraveineux Vasofix Braunüle G20, 1.1 x 33mm (fabricant B. Braun)
  5. Gelofusine 40 mg/ml (fabricant B. Braun)


intended for the treatment of heart diseases, pain relief, infection control, and stabilizing patients in critical conditions

Peripheral Devices

due to power issues, the previous printer broke down, and a new one is needed to continue administrative work