One of the founders of our association, Diana Dymitrova (Instagram) is opening an urgent fundraiser in honor of her birthday. It is intended for the purchase of surgical tourniquets and hemostatic bandages for the 2nd motorized infantry battalion of the 93rd mechanized brigade (Bakhmut region).

Tactical medicine equipment saves lives. Even though they are always lacking, we can now add the necessary amount.

We need to collect 1250 euros before October 1, 2023, for the purchase of 60 SICH tourniquets and 30 SICH hemostatic bandages.

The fundraising is supported by the community organization “Blood Agents” (in Ukraine). From the start of the great Russian invasion, volunteers from the “Stop the Blood” project helped the Ukrainian army by providing tactical medical equipment.

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Currently, reports are only available in French. We are already working on adding support for other languages.

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We apologize, currently the publications are only available in French. We are actively working on translating them into other languages.
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